oh gosh

9:48 PM / Posted by Becca Bingham /

I've got to remember to update this more often.

I just figured out my schedule for Spring semester, and I have to tell someone because I'm so excited!
I've yet to feel really challenged. Even with my job as an RA and in the guard I still feel like I do a lot of sitting around, playing on facebook, blogging and being unproductive. So I've decided to bump my credit load up to 19! (6 classes and 1 lab) I think I can do it!
Here's what I'm *planning on taking. (Plans often change when actually signing up)

Physics 104 (Astronomy)
-Physics 104 Lab
Anthropology 110
English 420 "The Film"
Fashion 422 "Product Development" (a course for my minor)
History 104 "American History"
Communication 360 "Intro to Comm"

Do you think its to much?


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